New leaf

Your insides are churning

Living but not learning

Pepertually grasping at air

Yearning for, what isn’t really there.


the excitement is contrived,

gone before you even arrive.

Feelings of discontent arise,

you search for something, anything, up in the skies.


Stuck; moving, but going nowhere,

Not seeing change is difficult to bare,

but still you search, for reasons difficult to discern.

Forgetting the good, is in what you needn’t earn.

When satisfaction runs dry,

happiness can start to die.

Save yourself, drink from another well

One whose magic is beyond a mere spell.

The wise expunge the thoughts of a gadfly

Believing, is all they need to get by.

They don’t get stuck in the loop,

they know, desperation attacks in a single swoop.


So look, but not before you change the lens.

Focus not on a world of chaos, or its woes.

What’s curious is hidden inside,

dusty and covered,

but definitely alive.
