Chasing the Horizon


My best friend, he was.

I never fully understood what he was thinking,

But I knew when he needed me; together

we tended to rudders & sails, when ship was sinking


We left our footprints in the pearls of sand,

We loved the beach, 

Running and dancing into the crashing waves.

Chasing  after the horizon that’s always out of reach.


I’d wait patiently every morning,

He’d greet me with zeal.

I’d help him through his mourning,

but now I am – and it’s unbelievably real. 


So I’ll sit and wait, 

In this dead sand and cold air.

Because I know he’ll come back,

and when he does, – I’ll be there. 








I knew

I sat on the big rock. Thoughts come and go.

Sound of birds, green grass. How long does it take to grow?

The sun was yellow now it’s orange, why’s that so?

I’ll ask mother, perhaps she’d know.


Mother’s kind, big, warm and strong.

She’s smart and never wrong.

Wherever I go, she comes along.

She says together is where we belong.


She said if I listened I would one day know

Where the birds flew and how the grasses grow

She said I have to work hard wherever I go,

because where I need to be, can’t be seen from below.


I didn’t understand but I did as she said,

I finished my work before I went to bed.

I didn’t listen to the rest, I only read.

I didn’t waste time I had learnt instead.


I am grown up now, strong like a knight.

I now know why the sun is orange, just before night.

I knew it, I knew you were right. 

But right now, I just wish we could both reunite.




On The Wayside

Wake up to the sound of dawn,

lost in the chaos, stifling devoirs,
the others can’t hear, so deaf and done.
But you can, you’re the only one.

Like animals, battling. They gnaw and claw.
Swinging, arms flailing, stomachs are wailing,
but you’re hungry, for something more.

Outside in slow traffic, sickening smog; so dank,
dark, drab and cold, they want to stay inside, so they lied,
but not you, you’ve no reason to hide.

Instead: light, bright, sunny and full of life.
Each step, brief, eager, puppy-like,
going, further and further, you walk,
where the others only begin to talk.

Home, winter-warm, restless refuge,
they return, worn, torn, exhausted and forlorn.
But you’re still going; giving up is forsworn.

Hysterical, honest, hungry, hairy is hope.
You see, hear, say, hold and feel it, time and time,
but they don’t.

Uprooted, uplifted, readily rejuvenated, rising like the sun, burning till it’s done, they won’t say it, but you needn’t a reminder,
since in your toil, you’ve already won.

Undangerous desires, passionately patient, you are,
lightning in a bottle,
rare and bouncing, around inside,

you’ve not wasted life, when you live, embracing the wayside.



New leaf

Your insides are churning

Living but not learning

Pepertually grasping at air

Yearning for, what isn’t really there.


the excitement is contrived,

gone before you even arrive.

Feelings of discontent arise,

you search for something, anything, up in the skies.


Stuck; moving, but going nowhere,

Not seeing change is difficult to bare,

but still you search, for reasons difficult to discern.

Forgetting the good, is in what you needn’t earn.

When satisfaction runs dry,

happiness can start to die.

Save yourself, drink from another well

One whose magic is beyond a mere spell.

The wise expunge the thoughts of a gadfly

Believing, is all they need to get by.

They don’t get stuck in the loop,

they know, desperation attacks in a single swoop.


So look, but not before you change the lens.

Focus not on a world of chaos, or its woes.

What’s curious is hidden inside,

dusty and covered,

but definitely alive.





Before The Setting Sun


Join in on the Indian miner’s siesta

don’t wait for the afterglow of the setting sun.

Hear the rustles of leaves in breezes;

take it all in, while there’s still some light.

Before it gets dark, and the good is consumed by the night.

All we have is each other and that’s important to remember.


What seems harsh is the truth of brutal reality,

and we’ll do our best to ignore it.

But  there’ll be days when we’re cornered,

by mistake, hate and despair, where

We might not get another chance at the cool autumn air.

Evil is the temptation, and desertion is the ultimatum.


So darling, if we’re near, we can chisel at fear.

The hounds of the night can’t smell what’s so pure.

Eyes shut but don’t let down your guard.

Old-time camaraderie brings fortitude in our reflections.

Might us skirmish by ardour, with semblance for protection,

— so we’ll be ready for when, the sun sets.










Hi there, it’s me again.
I just wanted give thanks,
Despite all you’ve given is pain.
Stare, but I’m just being frank.

In one way or another,
disappointment is assigned.
You were given to me by my mother,
and now we’re stuck in a bind.

Still, I know, that if I hold on
for just a little while longer,
that it’ll weigh a tonne,
-but only then will we ever get stronger.

Let’s not resent,
Our time is short.
Let’s enioy the present.
Remember, together…
-that’s how we’ve fought.

Through and through,
it’ll end. But before it all;
Let me ask you:
What is it you have install?
